Auto Finance – Choosing a Car
Financing a car and buying a car are two different things, that must always be treated as such. First of all, when looking for financing, you can find for yourself the best offer on market for the best credit loan. Don’t forget to check online for credit-union car loans, for example They offer better rates than traditional banks and credit unions, along with other benefits. After choosing the best financing, you are ready to go and to find a car suitable for your needs, and the car that fits into your financial plan.
If you are still determined to choose dealership financing, do not be surprised if you sign for something you didn’t want, like extra fees for extended warranty or something similar. Question everything you do not understand before signing anything! Differentiating between Financing and purchasing is always a smart choice, because it gives you the advantage of choosing the car you want, and also gives you an advantage when negotiating with a car dealer regarding the actual sale price of the car.
Here are some ideas on how to get a car you want, and for the price you want. Cars that are going to be replaced or that are actually replaced by newer models are always cheaper and more affordable than newer models, especially if the newer version that is coming to a store is completely different from the old version. Another advantage of buying an older version of the car is the fact that the older model is a tried and tested Car model that won’t surprise you much when it comes to maintenance and other costs related to owning a car. On the other hand a newer model will only offer you new looks, a bigger price tag and an unfamiliar teritory of a new model. You don’t know if the new version is going to have some problems with electricity, windows etc. When buying an older version, you’re buying something that is already tested and proven.
Also, how to get an additional discount from a dealer?
Shop on Mondays. The time until next weekend, when the prime sales time is, is long. Dealers mostly cut their prices on Mondays. Don’t shop on the beginning of the month; wait for the end of the month. The car dealers are looking for a monthly bonus, so if you show up at the end of a month, Theres a much more higher chance of you buying a cheaper car. The bonus is what the dealers want. Give them that opportunity, but also cut the price.
Please continue reading and find out about Car Leasing.